Raoul Pal: You Have 6 Years to Get Rich Before Everything Changes | Truflation
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Raoul Pal: You Have 6 Years to Get Rich Before Everything Changes

Published 08 Mar, 2024

"You have six years to make as much money as you can," Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal told Truflation CEO Stefan Rust, "because you have no understanding of what the world is going to look like [in the future]."

The Real Vision CEO has a wry smile. It's set somewhere between awe and foreboding.

At every interview answer he appears to consider the question deeply, and his eyes roll upward as if words he's searching for are suspended above the screen.

Raoul Pal: You Have 6 Years to Get Rich Before Everything Changes

On this occasion, Pal is kibitzing with Rust during an episode of the podcast, SUPER EXCITED. Rust was keen to catch up, especially interested in Pal's view of the future of finance and related tech.

The Gift

"We've been given the gift of an opportunity which is we can invest in technology; we can invest in crypto," Pal continued. He's a big believer in a kind of organic financial democracy, and digital assets have lit a fire in him that's burned for more than a decade at this point.

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Unexpectedly, considering his 'crypto guru' status, Pal is a modern value investor, a Benjamin Graham of the 21st century, if you will.

"This is the be biggest macro trade of all time," he insisted to Rust. "It's the best performing asset class in all history in the shortest period of time, so you've got the gift. I don't want to hear anybody say we've been shut out because everybody can put 10% in. Everybody. If you live in the Philippines or you live in Nigeria or you live in New York City you can put 10% of your wages in – this is an egalitarian democratic global homogenous asset class. It's the biggest trending asset class of all time, so given that, it's pretty easy: just buy it and hold it."


Pal is quick to underline how "firstly you have to deal with your own psychology. 'I'm down; I'm up; I FOMO; my friend made a 100x!' You need to stop all of that.

The two CEOs go on to exchange notions of what's to come in terms of Artificial Intelligence, and discover Pal has given this subject a lot of meaningful thought. His lack of assurance in the future forces a disconcerting look across Rust's normally cheerful face.

It's unusual for a 'guru' to shrug, to admit not knowing.

What Pal does know is that AI is coming, and that giant societal changes are going to happen quickly. This is why he's telling everyone and anyone who will listen to make money. Wealth allows for choice. Wealth allows for options.

It's a pretty great conversation, and it left Rust visibly shook. "I can see your head spinning a bit," Pal teased, laughing.

Watch the entire episode here.

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